We set up Direct Debits or Standing Orders at the let stage to collect your rental payments; we would aim for this to fall in line with the clients preferred pay day to minimise risk.

If an account was to fall into rent arrears we have processes in place to promptly engage with the tenant to get things back on track to minimise any disruption to the landlord. If legal action was required we have over 18 years of experience in gaining legal possession back of the property in question and an understanding of the Housing Act, tenants and landlords rights and the importance of serving the correct notices at the right time.

We use the DPS scheme; the deposit would be added into the  scheme so they have the knowledge that this has been securely registered within the 28 day period, which is a legal requirement.

Our Prices

Landlord Fees

All our fees are deducted from the rent once received WE DO NOT CHARGE ANY UPFRONT FEES. Set up fees are deducted from the rent for all new tenants moving into a property this is to cover costs such as tenant referencing fees and the cost of an independent inventory carried out on the property for all new tenancies.

Let Only / Tenant Find

One off fee: One Months Rent

Rent collection only

Monthly Fee: 8%

Full Management Service

Set up fee: £250 (deducted from the first months rent)

Monthly Management Fee: 10%